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Marble Cake, Old Country (P, TNT)
Source: Yetta Reiner, written down by Jean Reiner
Serves: 8

3 eggs
1-3/4 glassfuls sugar, plus more for cocoa
1/2 glassful oil
3/4 glassful water
2-1/2 glassfuls flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Cocoa or chocolate

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Add the sugar to the yolks and stir. To this add the oil and water.

Add baking powder to the flour and then sift this into the yolk mixture, stirring to make a smooth batter. Keep stirring until the batter is smooth and free from bubbles.

Beat the whites and when stiff fold into the batter.

Oil the baking pan and line with paper. Pour in about half the batter. To 1/4 of the remaining batter add cocoa or chocolate which has been dissolved with some sugar and warm water until smooth. Pour this chocolate batter evenly over the white portion already in the pan. Over the chocolate pour the remaining 1/4 white batter. Marbelize by dipping and dragging a knife through the layers.

Bake about 1 hour in a moderate oven (350°F.)

Poster's Notes:
I have a very old recipe that was hand-written my Great Aunt as she caught my Great Grandmother's ingredients on the way to the bowl. My great grandmother didn't measure but cooked by eye and feel, and my Great Aunt didn't cook.

The measuring vessel is a glass--a yahrzeit glass after the candle has burned.

Posted by Janet Mauro

Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A